Source code for api_jwt

import jwt
import datetime
import logging
import json

LOG = logging.getLogger()

[docs]class APIJwt: """ Main class to represent a JWT used for API purposes. The internal structure of the JWT is set when the class is instantiated. This structure will be used for encode/decode operations. If no parameters are supplied, the defaults are used. If no certificate or key is supplied, a dummy test pair is used, causing a log warning. *For the extras parameter (kwargs)*: An extras key that is set to None will be pruned from the JWT. With no extras set, these default extras will be included. Default extras:: extras = { 'level': 0.0, # Authentication level, allowed['levels'] specifies the valid levels 'factor': '', # Authentication factor used, e.g. password, otp, etc 'target': '', # Target id for scopes 'dnt': 0, # Do Not Track 'scopes': [], # Scopes this token gives access to } *For the allowed parameter (kwargs)*: The allowed dict defines the valid values for each of the extras. If a new extra is to be used, a new key with valid paramters should also be included. The 'keys' and 'scopes' keys are special:: allowed = { 'keys': { 'user': 'auth_user', 'admin': 'auth_admin' }, 'level': [ 0.0, # Level 0, no authentication 1.0, # Externally authenticated 2.0, # Password/single-factor 3.0, # Multi-factor 4.0 # Certificate-level ], 'dnt': [ 0, # or not set - normal user 1, # reservation - don't track this user 2, # not anonymous - don't track and don't store data anonymously 3 # Test user - this is a test user, don't skew metrics ], 'scopes': { 'PER_KEY': { # Use single key with 'PER_KEY' to set allowed values based on key 'user': ['user:all'], 'admin': ['admin:all'] } } } :param public_keys: Single string or list of strings with public pem keys for signing verification :param private_key: Single string with pem key for :param ttl: Default time to live in seconds for the encoded JWT (can be overridden in encode()) :param extras: A dict with non-mandatory JWT parameters that will be included in the encoded JWT. :param allowed: A dict with allowed values for keys and scopes and for the extras """ _public_dummy = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n' \ 'MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAzkoXUA7qFoRC/f49OB6Q\n'\ 'm0K5jdmKkYIsM/USD8lqGsiH7ixMQSoqr7H0RxqILdOHtvHe/QHSG+nqz6Vko6Qc\n'\ 'fgcI3LIhYiC1munfJXYZkaZ0yUgTjUHy2WIXRCtWNwav9YKpHpe5C7aeSb8+eohw\n'\ '8gfbcwjKTZ8XjHx7mfz7THDqRBZ1UI97V8R7LOFqPAvuDlD3uZfesJHCB6Dpo6Yy\n'\ 'DDc8LEev8FolxYVnG4fQZNFhONHciuCIxeZ5qnzPqGOykVHPByzVs/J9QXANMgCW\n'\ 'D9yVapYwRaYKxMg9lqmRJdPSQ6AMByKBGgN+jxNfokvx2zV7yPKfD/fQ/k/q1FId\n'\ 'NQIDAQAB\n'\ '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----' _private_dummy = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n'\ 'MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEAzkoXUA7qFoRC/f49OB6Qm0K5jdmKkYIsM/USD8lqGsiH7ixM\n'\ 'QSoqr7H0RxqILdOHtvHe/QHSG+nqz6Vko6QcfgcI3LIhYiC1munfJXYZkaZ0yUgT\n'\ 'jUHy2WIXRCtWNwav9YKpHpe5C7aeSb8+eohw8gfbcwjKTZ8XjHx7mfz7THDqRBZ1\n'\ 'UI97V8R7LOFqPAvuDlD3uZfesJHCB6Dpo6YyDDc8LEev8FolxYVnG4fQZNFhONHc\n'\ 'iuCIxeZ5qnzPqGOykVHPByzVs/J9QXANMgCWD9yVapYwRaYKxMg9lqmRJdPSQ6AM\n'\ 'ByKBGgN+jxNfokvx2zV7yPKfD/fQ/k/q1FIdNQIDAQABAoIBAH8bPeQRXIFFO3X+\n'\ '+j+i7Z0M7wINIYlouM3G2jsp8pvQJZlGaDHaxnR9ZLOPEIuUA9Jgk/I29fxHFGyf\n'\ 'TzRZQUkSEo7Rnyo0V1G9esY9T6Hj+5+uLoXiNb1l6EoTncrH7xGKUaRM/jLOchek\n'\ 'o92iRl2LI9dseiJ7vWnNpecK7th4uwvJuvtgWuvLfRA/4OzpuaOKPfh942u7vCUc\n'\ 'hJ529blYFZe6yyUvTa/u/PeArKMPrhOPjuqdb8JNGFCXWwVmron/uDssHvOcPyPX\n'\ 'DgYCQELMY8bDBfthBuLZ1nkp6rCfWOqHy8CR1Rq9waQrOKXFltw4dHPi+wGTdeux\n'\ 'znkFqX0CgYEA8QQsKd2hha1PUGc3S2uO5DOlf+zr7ofxkMeK1FfHiJjylnc3fivx\n'\ 'cKx5pVH4NOFnvT94Z0nlZnFlaikrJKVMXhTgW0kEKevK5ys8cM5ils2DAFlbRzPS\n'\ 'U1QPXw9CvqEW0zLiHo/xTQFsjT2UkWHTAbsEkPhetT2KlvK/laB59C8CgYEA2x07\n'\ 'i3C6QHjsdeRSwmWV8X7l9doMkswuNPXBpCdC27vyXAeKCUhXA60FXGavK+mUc3l0\n'\ '1Fcy+Jd7rKDPWnTExqOlTWhoMXRP3QoFn8sImJUcBv7dkusFrWltT8k/rrcc1DKc\n'\ 'Jfl/0RltZY/fJmQ9MH/Y+EcmtTS7bDjkzqBSF9sCgYAWKEULIEX+LR2yjZqmw1+i\n'\ 'mSDo7tYN2s+ZeM7JkLxWUYFT1efzIIUUz7ZrPWrtKZ/I5THjhQai8V/ab6h4uP2Z\n'\ 'VJ//pGnOlM/VisMGt+KWbJRTjuN2W0xFvt+e5J9FOTgI+I+TMbaEVtIs9fFXoD+u\n'\ '1AuqbDsAvISmNfDpB5TOnwKBgQCc1KOV/q2RD/xPtYj20zcrjySRf+yX9cTs6yoa\n'\ 'kG9uT2v9KvhGBJ0jaGf55xViXOGAdWKFyZQWEnbW7JL9r65YbzEV4rERFKtFDrNP\n'\ '2Ebiz3csGqgFTGrX4Cn5fZYzO6VKzJ6vH5G43HZMx1l1ZTHW0Os/ac3uzTuJDn/W\n'\ '1TFtGQKBgQDn0bRpR4sMDQ8h7ur6TDpx7O9wQjLr/OeJBtAbFIfg6HOhe8VzsuMA\n'\ 'b0lxZ6BD2YESDeKDjGpcjlGKuGux54VK9NFSerQNXOQ3Sp9uWziJFoKabVLZsKg2\n'\ 'udYzRAT6QGEB4Xc9AagL6ua20pYqLpAjdmRuhtLf+ddMp0OQudd5Ng==\n'\ '-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' def __init__(self, public_keys=None, private_key=None, ttl=None, **kwargs): self._allowed = { 'keys': { 'user': 'auth_user', 'admin': 'auth_admin' }, 'level': [ 0.0, # Level 0, no authentication 1.0, # External auth 2.0, # Password/single-factor 3.0, # Multi-factor 4.0 # Certificate-level ], 'dnt': [ 0, # or not set - normal user 1, # reservation - don't track this user 2, # not anonymous - don't track and don't store data anonymously 3 # Test user - this is a test user, don't skew metrics ], 'scopes': { 'PER_KEY': { # Use single key with 'PER_KEY' to set allowed values based on key 'user': ['user:all'], 'admin': ['admin:all'] } } } # Use None as default to prune item from jwt final token (only for strings!!!) self._jwt_extras = { 'level': 0.0, # Authentication level, see _allowed for valid levels 'factor': '', # Authentication factor used, e.g. password, otp, etc 'target': '', # Target id for scopes 'dnt': 0, # Do Not Track 'scopes': [], # Scopes this token gives access to } self._ttl = 3600 self._public_keys = [self._public_dummy] self._private_key = self._private_dummy self.override_keys(public_keys=public_keys, private_key=private_key) if ttl: self._ttl = ttl self._valid = False self._expired = True self._jwt_issue = False self._token = None self._user = { 'id': '', # entity id 'exp': datetime.datetime.utcnow(), # Expiry time for the token } # Init extra jwt payload parameters for k, v in self._jwt_extras.items(): if v: self._user[k] = v for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k == 'extras': for a, p in v.items(): self.set_extras(a, p) if k == 'allowed': for a, p in v.items(): self.set_allowed(a, p)
[docs] def reset_keys(self): """ Reset back the keys to the dummy keys (both public and private) """ self._public_keys = [self._public_dummy] self._private_key = self._private_dummy
[docs] def override_keys(self, public_keys=None, private_key=None): """ Override the public and private keys 'on the fly'. Preferred method is at instantiation :param public_keys: list or json list of keys, or single public key for decoding :param private_key: private key for encoding """ if public_keys: if isinstance(public_keys, list): self._public_keys = public_keys else: try: self._public_keys = json.loads(public_keys) except (ValueError, TypeError, NameError): self._public_keys = [public_keys] if private_key: self._private_key = private_key
[docs] def add_public_keys(self, keys=None): """ Add more public keys to the list of keys used to validate JWT signature :param keys: Single or list of keys (no json allowed) """ if keys is None: keys = [] for k in keys: self._public_keys.append(k)
[docs] def set_extras(self, key, default): """ Set extra allowed payload parameters for encoded tokens :param key: Payload key name :param default: Default value, None if it should be pruned from jwt if not set """ self._jwt_extras[key] = default
[docs] def set_allowed(self, key, values): """ Set allowed values for the extras in the payload :param key: Payload name :param values: Dict for keys and scopes, list for other extras """ self._allowed[key] = values
def _add_extras(self, key, **kwargs): # noqa """ Returns a dict with validated extra payload elements :param key: :param kwargs: :return: """ payload = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): # noqa if k not in self._jwt_extras: LOG.warning('%s is not an allowed extra', k) raise AttributeError('Payload element is not an allowed extra in payload') if k in self._allowed: if isinstance(self._allowed[k], dict) and \ 'PER_KEY' not in self._allowed[k] and \ v not in self._allowed[k]: LOG.warning('%s is not an allowed value for key %s', str(v), str(k)) raise ValueError('Value is not allowed in key') if 'PER_KEY' in self._allowed[k] or isinstance(self._allowed[k], list): if 'PER_KEY' in self._allowed[k]: allow = self._allowed[k]['PER_KEY'][key] # Use key to find correct allow values else: allow = self._allowed[k] # If we have a list of allowed values if isinstance(allow, list): # if we have a list of values supplied if isinstance(v, list): for v2 in v: if v2 not in allow: LOG.warning("Mismatch in value, value %s not found in allowed values for key %s", v, k) raise ValueError('Invalid value, not found in allowed values') else: if v is None: continue if v not in allow: LOG.warning("Mismatch in value, value %s not found in allowed values for key %s", v, k) raise ValueError('Invalid value, not found in allowed values') if isinstance(v, (float, int)): v = str(v) if isinstance(self._jwt_extras.get(k), list): v = [v] payload[k] = str(v) elif not isinstance(v, type(self._allowed[k])): LOG.warning("Mismatch in type for key %s, %s is allowed value", k, str(type(self._allowed[key]))) raise ValueError('Mismatch between allowed value type and type for supplied value') # If key was not in _allowed, any value is allowed unless None if v is not None: payload[k] = v return payload
[docs] def encode(self, subject=None, key='user', exp=None, **kwargs): # noqa """ Encode the token with subject as the identity this token concerns (sub), using key to identify the key type (used by some gateways like kong in the iss parameter) and with exp (or default) expiry in seconds. Additional key/value pairs will be validated against extras and the values of each against allowed. If an extra does not have a key in allowed, any value except None will be included in the token payload. Use kwargs, extras={} or allowed={}, as short-cuts to calling set_allowed() and set_extras() before encode(), i.e. do everything at once in the encode() call. :param subject: id of the subject of this token :param key: a valid key from _allowed['keys'], typically used in iss to match key on external system :param exp: expiry time in seconds :param kwargs: key/value pairs to include in the payload. :return: None if not successfully encoded JWT token """ if key not in self._allowed['keys']: self._valid = False self._jwt_issue = True LOG.warning('key %s is not a valid key name', key) return None if subject is None: LOG.warning('subject is not set in token encode') raise ValueError('Subject is not set in token encode') if exp is None: exp = self._ttl exp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=exp) # Initialise payload payload = { 'iss': self._allowed['keys'][key], 'sub': subject, 'exp': exp, } # Add default extras to payload for k, v in self._jwt_extras.items(): if v is not None: payload[k] = v # Add passed in extras to payload if kwargs: payload.update(self._add_extras(key, **kwargs)) # Serialize any list, float, int items into strings for k, v in payload.items(): if isinstance(v, list): value = '' if v: for s in v: value += (',' if value else '') value += s payload[k] = value elif isinstance(v, (float, int)): payload[k] = str(v) # Encode the payload and get token if self._private_key == self._private_dummy: LOG.warning('WARNING!!! Encoding JWT with dummy key!') try: self._token = jwt.encode( payload, self._private_key, algorithm='RS256' ) except jwt.InvalidTokenError: self._token = None self._valid = False self._jwt_issue = True LOG.error('Not able to encode token') raise EnvironmentError("Not able to encode token, may be bad private key") self._valid = True self._expired = False self._jwt_issue = False for k, v in payload.items(): self._user[k] = v self._user['id'] = subject self._user['exp'] = exp return self._token
[docs] def decode(self, token=None): # noqa """ Decode a token, properties is_valid, is_bad, an is_expired will be set. All tokens are verified against the list of public keys :param token: JWT token to decode :return: Either None if doken was not successfully decoded or a dict with the payload """ if token is None: self._valid = False LOG.error('Cannot decode empty token.') return None self._token = token payload = None for key in self._public_keys: self._valid = True self._expired = False self._jwt_issue = False payload = None if key == self._public_dummy: LOG.warning('WARNING!!! Decoding JWT with dummy key!') try: payload = jwt.decode( token, key, algorithms=['RS256'] ) break except (jwt.exceptions.DecodeError, jwt.exceptions.InvalidSignatureError): self._valid = False'Invalid signature.') continue except jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: self._jwt_issue = False self._valid = False self._expired = False'Public/private keys unsupported, cryptography/libressl required') return None except jwt.exceptions.ExpiredSignatureError: self._valid = False self._expired = True'Token has expired.') return None except jwt.InvalidTokenError: self._jwt_issue = True self._valid = False self._expired = False'Invalid token, unspecified.') return None except jwt.PyJWTError: self._jwt_issue = True self._valid = False self._expired = False'Invalid token, unspecified.') return None if not payload or payload.get('sub', None) is None: self._valid = False self._jwt_issue = True'No payload or sub in payload.') return None for k, v in self._jwt_extras.items(): if isinstance(v, list): if payload.get(k, None): self._user[k] = payload[k].split(',') elif payload.get(k, None): if isinstance(self._jwt_extras[k], float): self._user[k] = float(payload[k]) elif isinstance(self._jwt_extras[k], int): self._user[k] = int(payload[k]) else: self._user[k] = payload[k] self._user['exp'] = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(payload.get('exp', None)) if self._user['exp'] is None: self._expired = True'No exp in payload.') return None self._user['level'] = float(payload.get('level', 0.0)) self._user['factor'] = payload.get('factor', '') self._user['id'] = payload.get('sub') return self._user
@property def user(self): """Contains the entire payload of a decoded token :return: payload :rtype: dict """ return self._user @property def jwt(self): """Contains the jwt token :return: JWT token :rtype: string """ return self._token @property def is_valid(self): """Set if decoded a token and contains True if token is valid :return: whether token is valid or not :rtype: bool """ return self._valid @property def is_expired(self): """Set if decoded a token and token was expired :return: Expired token or not :rtype: bool """ # It may have been expired when we decoded if self._expired: return self._expired # Update to see if it has expired by now if 'exp' not in self._user: self._expired = True else: self._expired = (self._user['exp'] < datetime.datetime.utcnow()) return self._expired @property def is_bad(self): """Set if decoded a token and token contained errors :return: Bad token or not :rtype: bool """ return self._jwt_issue @property def expiry(self): """Expiry date of the token :return: Expiry timestamp for token :rtype: datetime """ return self._user['exp'] def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self._user[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key)